
Clan is the key element of Swiper, which allows you expand your Social Graph, earn tokens and exchange with each other.


Swiper allows users to create a group with their friends and invite others to join, which is called Clan. Once Clan is formed, members can share their interests, interact, and participate in various activities together. The turnover of Swiper creates earnings for Clan (in ETH, USDT, BIV, Credits,..).

Share to scale up Clan

By sharing invitations, you can expand your Clan. The more members join your Clan will bring more free swipes and more tokens you could earn passively.

Your connection with Clanmates is permanent because Swiper is a structural social graph.

Swipe together, Earn together

Clan is a fair Social Graph because:

  • You will be rewarded weekly passive earnings when your Clan creates turnover.

  • Your Clan members can expand their own Clans, which brings you more Clan Power.

  • If a Clan member reaches your level, you will not receive earnings from his Clan.

  • A member could belong to only one Clan.

Harvest Passive Earning

Remember to "harvest" every week. If you miss, the earnings of the previous week will disappear. You can see the history of your harvest, including tokens harvested and tokens that you forgot to harvest.

Last updated