
You can view all your valuable assets, stake, swap or withdraw tokens.

Expected money value (EMV)

Expected value of your earnings as of the expected after-public-offering price. Various inputs (i.e. other top SociaFi projects, fluctuation of crypto market, numbers of BIV holders, scarcity of BIV, milestones of the project etc.) are taken into the estimation formula.

rBIV Dilution

Whenever a milestone is reached in a Fibonacci sequence (a certain amount of rBIV is earned), the โ€œDilutionโ€ occurs, which means the number of rBIV reward for a Block is reduced in comparison with those before that Dilution event. Total free Play and Earn pool is 144M rBIV token.

Swap tokens

You can swap tokens (for example: SCoin to USDT) within Swiper App.

Withdraw tokens

You can also withdraw tokens from Swiper wallet to your crypto Wallet.

Transaction history

You can view all your transactions in History section.

Last updated