🏟️Stadium and Football Team NFTs

There are Stadium NFTs and Football Team NFTs that help you to gain more advantages and earn in Swiper games.

Stadium NFTs

You will get a free 3D Stadium NFT when you join Swiper, but it is a common NFT with low rarity. The rarity of this NFT will decide the earning rate in some Games. The rarer NFT, the higher earning rate you have. There are initially 10 rarity types of stadiums from Common (lowest Rarity) to Greatest-Of-All-Time (highest rarity).

You could have rarer Stadium NFTs via social event (such as EuroXplore campaign).

Football Team NFTs

To play Star Manager, you must have a Football Team NFT to pair with your Stadium NFT. You can collect Football Team NFTs via social event (such as EuroXplore campaign).

What is the ultility of NFTs

When Star Manager is live, you could buy more Stadium NFTs and Football Team NFTs to create pairs and start daily earning in ETH.

You could upgrade Stadium NFT to pair with high rarity Football Team NFT and Football Team NFTs could be upgraded by fusion with crystals.

See more details about Star Manager:


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